Welcome to EVACONAIR – Your Trusted Partner for Dehumidifier

At EVACONAIR, we understand the critical role that humidity control plays in the plastics industry. Our cutting-edge dehumidifiers for plastic materials are designed to address the challenges associated with moisture, ensuring optimal processing conditions and high-quality end products.

Why Dehumidifiers for Plastic Materials?

In the plastics industry, maintaining precise moisture levels is essential for producing top-quality materials and products. Excessive moisture can lead to defects, reduced mechanical properties, and overall compromised product quality. Our dehumidifiers are specifically engineered to extract moisture from the air, creating an environment conducive to efficient plastic processing.

Key Features of Our Dehumidifiers:

Precise Humidity Control:

Our dehumidifiers offer precise humidity control, allowing you to maintain the ideal moisture levels for your specific plastic materials. This is crucial for preventing issues such as surface imperfections, porosity, and degradation.

Energy Efficiency:

We prioritize energy efficiency in our dehumidifiers, employing advanced technology and energy-saving features. This not only reduces operational costs but also aligns with our commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions.

Customizable Solutions:

Recognizing the diverse nature of plastic processing, we offer customizable dehumidifier solutions. Whether you’re working with injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, or other processes, our team works closely with you to tailor our dehumidifiers to your specific requirements.

User-Friendly Controls:

Operating our dehumidifiers is user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and controls. This ensures that your operators can easily monitor and adjust humidity levels, optimizing the dehumidification process for consistent results.

Applications Across Plastic Processing:

Injection Molding: Ensuring moisture-free plastic pellets for precise molding.

Extrusion: Preventing defects in extruded products by controlling humidity during processing.

Blow Molding: Creating an optimal environment for blow molding processes.


Industry Expertise: Benefit from our team’s deep understanding of humidity control in plastic processing.

Innovation: Stay ahead with our commitment to incorporating the latest advancements in dehumidification technology.

Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize customer satisfaction, offering responsive support and reliable dehumidifiers tailored to your unique plastic processing requirements.

Elevate your plastic processing efficiency with our state-of-the-art dehumidifiers. Contact us today to explore how EVACONAIR can be your trusted partner in achieving precise and efficient humidity control for plastic materials.